The Gut-Thyroid Connection with Angela Stengler, NMD, MS

What you'll learn from this expert talk:

  • Learn how gut health directly affects thyroid function
  • How to heal leaky gut to improve thyroid function
  • The best supplements and medications for hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's thyroiditis

Angela Stengler

Dr. Angela Stengler is a licensed naturopathic physician who has a passion for helping patients through the use of nutritional and natural therapies. Her introduction to holistic medicine began in college during her junior year abroad while studying in England. She experienced first-hand the dramatic healing effects of a topical herbal therapy prescribed by a nurse for her injured foot. This positive experience, along with support from her premedical advisor who was researching the use of Chinese mushrooms and cancer, led to her decision to focus on integrative medicine instead of conventional medicine.

Dr. Stengler holds a Master of Science in Exercise Science and Wellness: Nutrition and Wellness from Liberty University, and received her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine.